Here you will find all necessary real estate and community information for Fairfield, Easton, Milford, Stratford, Shelton, Bridgeport, Trumbull and Westport communities.

Get this week's Local REAL ESTATE Market Conditions for your specific town, the town you want to move to or any other town in our area. You can see in real time, at your convenience (in your email inbox) just what the market is doing. 

Click the:                MLS Market Snapshot

If you are a BUYER, you will find the Property Search link on this page!

If you are a SELLER looking for a full time, professional agent to market your property, you too will find that link to more information on this page!

If you just want to look around at the town information or specific market information be my guest.  Enjoy your visit.  Please bookmark my site and come back often.  I am in the process of rebuilding to better serve your needs. Please check out the MLS MARKET SNAPSHOT. It is a new feature on my site. The information is taken directly from our CT MLS. If you need help, please feel free to call or e-mail. You will need to sign in so the information can be sent to you directly.

If you need me to contact you immediately, please feel free to e-mail me with your questions.  you can also call if you would prefer.

Voted the "Most Innovative Real Estate Company" by Inman News, Keller Williams® Realty takes a different approach, one that is built on personal touches, a professional approach and positive results.

Mary Beth Grasso utilizes the latest technologies, market research and business strategies to meet your expectations. However, more importantly, we listen and that means we find solutions that are tailored to you.

Click on one of our services to see what Mary Beth Grasso has to offer you.

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